Tiny Tots School, run by Udita Ladies Club, NTPC Farakka organized its Annual Day Celebration 2022-23 at Rabindra Bhawan on 20th Feb 2023. The program kicked off with great enthusiasm as the chief guests, Shri Sanjiv Kumar (CGM Farakka) and Smt. Maya Singh (President of Udita Ladies Club), lit the auspicious lamp. The students warmly welcomed them with a traditional tilak and presented them with planters.
Smt. Neena Jha, Incharge Tiny Tots School presented the welcome speech, which was followed by Ganesh Vandana and Welcome dance. Throughout the evening, the Tiny Tots children mesmerized the audience with a variety of performances. They went on to showcase several other performances, including Bihu dance, Bollywood dance numbers, a fashion show, and more. The best performances were recognized and awarded prizes by the chief guests.
CGM Farakka and ULC President praised the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers in creating an evening filled with cultural richness and vibrancy. Other distinguished guests in attendance included Shri Vivek Jha (GM Elect and C&I), Shri PK Jena (GM ADM), Shri Alok Ranbir (HOHR), as well as several other HODs and senior members of ULC.